-Improved performance
-Improved stability
-Improved stability AntiHlapex
-Cleaned the codes to work much better
-The Server can stay up max 5 days (must be restarded from 4 to 4 days) !
-Updated protection against the hacking tools
-Server L2J-Free is useing 512 RAM
-Server L2J-Off is useing 256 RAM
-Full C5 skills
-Full NPCs C5
-Full Items C5
-Full spawnlist C5
-Full armors C5
-Added Missing html
-Fixed some quests
-Fixed some GK
-Fixes some multisell xmls
-Add Teleport For Nobless
-All Sieges Work 100%
-Clan Hall Work 100% (But must add by your self some npcs)
-Wedding Work 100%
-Enchant Skills Work 100%
