Setting up SQL-
download sql, click the sqleval.exe file that delivers the package to the C drive
once the package is delivered succesfully go to C:\SQLEVAL\autorun.exe
Click "SQL Server 2000 Components"
Click "Install Database Server"
Setup instructions:
1.Click next
2.Click next again(keep settings)
3.Click next again(should say "Create New Instance of SQL Server, or install CLient Tools")
4.put your name and your company, click next Yes Client and Server tools, Click next
7.keep Default checked, click next
8.keep typical checked, click next "USE THE LOCAL SYSTEM ACCOUNT"(this is important), click next
10.Click "Mixed Mode", make a password for your login (login is always sa)
11.Click next and it will start installing
12.You are done setting up your SQL server

Before doing anything, go to: start->Run...->type "cmd"-> type "ipconfig"
find your defualt gateway, open your internet browser and type it in the url bar
forward these ports:
55900 to 55910 both
79 to 81 both
44404 to 44406 both
51213 to 51215 both
52761 to 52763 both
51211 to 51213 both
55556 to 55558 both

enable them all and click save settings.

go to(again): start->Run...->type "cmd"-> type "ipconfig"
find your local ip and write it down.
now go here:
this is your WAN(Global) IP, write it down.

now comes the fun part :P


time to insert your ip into the files.

go to C:\muserver\ConnectServer\CsConfig.ini
scroll down to the bottom where it says
and change this to your WAN(Global) IP

now, for these files, you need to use your local IP

There are 4 IPs in this file, look for them and change them to your local IP

change this ip to your local IP

scroll to the right and find the IPs
change these to your local IP BUT KEEP THE "S" IN FRONT OF THE IP
it should look like this

change this ip to your local IP

now set up MuServerStartUP
go to C:\muserver\StartUp.ini

scroll down to [parametrs]
change all these ips to your local ip(and i mean ALL IPs, dont miss any)
now open C:\muserver\MUServerStartUP.exe
Click "stop autostart"
change Your IP to your local IP

now we are done with the IPs

remember the pass you made when you installed MSSQL?
we are gonna use that here

go to C:\muserver\rankingserver\svconfig.ini

change the pass to the pass you made
do this for

now that that is done, we have to restore the Databases

go to Start->All Programs->Microsoft SQL Server->Service Manager
Click Start/Continue
then go to Start->All Programs->Microsoft SQL Server-> Enterprise Manager

now, Click the + on Microsoft SQL Servers
now Click the + on SQL Server Group
now Click the + one (local)(Windows NT)
now right click databases-> new database and name it MuOnline
do the same thing again, but name it Ranking

right click on MuOnline->Alltasks->RestoreDatabase...
check "from device"
click "select device"
click "Add.."
click "..."
find C:\muserver\db bak\MuOlnine.bak
Click "OK" 3 times
Click the options tab
Check "Force restore over existing database"
chancge "F:\????\" to "C:\muserver\dbs\"
keep the muonline_data.mdf and muonline_log.ldf at the end though

now do the exact same thing again, but do it with ranking and use the ranking.bak instead of muonline.bak
now that that is done

go to the folder C:\muserver\db bak

and put 99656ODBC???.reg into the registry(by double clicking and saying yes, then ok)
now we have the databases restored

make an account by go to C:\muserver\mucreateaccount\mucreateaccount.exe

double click it, then put your username and pass.
